December 6, 2024

South West News

South West News from Gloucestershire to Cornwall

Protecting Cornwall’s natural beauty and heritage on the agenda for Cabinet

Ensuring Cornwall’s natural beauty and historic environment are protected for future generations will form a key part of the agenda when Cornwall Council’s Cabinet committee meets next week.

Two of the plans up for discussion are the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan and the Heritage at the Heart of an Evolving Cornwall; A Strategy for Cornwall’s Historic Environment.

The meeting will take place in the Trelawny room at County Hall, Truro at 10am on Wednesday, 11 May, and will be open to members of the public.

The AONB management plan sets out how, by working with partners, the protected landscapes will be conserved and enhanced through a variety of measures, including supporting landowners to adapt their land to do more for people, place, nature and climate.

The Heritage plan outlines the vision for protecting Cornwall’s historic environment, how to ensure it is recognised by visitors and residents, and how to protect it from challenges, including climate change. 

Also on Wednesday’s agenda is the council’s Digital Future Strategy.

The report sets out the action needed for the council to be able to exploit the full benefits of digital tools and ways of working, at a time when interactions between the authority and its residents become ever more reliant on technology.

The strategy it sets out focuses on three strands; developing new ways of working, ensuring the correct technology is available, and the creation of an Academy for Innovation.

Cllr Linda Taylor, leader of Cornwall Council, said: “What’s important to our residents is that we are prioritising the creation of a thriving and sustainable Cornwall, supported by an empowering and enterprising Council, and these plans are a huge step in the right direction.

“They also highlight the delicate balance we have in Cornwall, protecting our incredibly rich culture, enhancing our incredible and diverse environment, while simultaneously building a carbon-neutral economy fit for the challenges of the 21st Century.”

The meeting will be broadcast live via our webcast service.

Visit our webcast page
